All too often, couples whose marriages are in trouble wait until it’s too late to try to repair their troubled relationship. The earlier you seek counseling, the more influential the therapy sessions will be. Don’t wait until it’s too late to find the best marriage & couples counseling San Diego, Carlsbad, & Encinitas.
For marriage counselors or marriage therapists, the primary goal is to help heal wounded relationships where possible. While most marriage therapists in San Diego will be able to help your marriage, it’s crucial that you find one that both spouses are comfortable with.
Do You Need Couples Counseling San Diego?
Before you search for the best marriage counselor in San Diego or Carlsbad, ask yourself the following questions to determine if you’re at a higher risk of separation or divorce.
- Were you relatively young when you got married?
- Did either of you drop out of high school?
- Do you live in a low-income household?
- Do you and your spouse belong to different faiths/religions?
- Are your parents divorced?
- Are you critical of one another?
- Do you feel your partner is, or are you, defensive in conversation?
- Can you be distant towards each other?
- Do you struggle to communicate with each other?
- Have there been any instances of unfaithfulness, abuse, or addiction within your marriage?
- Do you or your spouse have feelings of contempt for your partner?
Don’t worry if you answered yes to a lot of these questions. Though your marriage is statistically more likely to end in divorce, your chances of reconciliation are greatly improved if you and your spouse undergo couples therapy in San Diego.
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Effectiveness of Marriage Counseling San Diego, Carlsbad, Or Encinitas
Emotionally-Focused Therapy, or EFT, is historically one of the more well studied (and effective) forms of counseling for married couples. EFT was created by Dr. Sue Johnson and has been shown to have long-lasting positive benefits no matter your ethnic or cultural background.
A study of veterans in 2017 showed the benefits of marriage or couples counseling were still prevalent 18 months after their treatment had ended. In addition, the research found the efficacy of the therapy sessions to be effective regardless of the age and race of the participants.
In the same year, a different study found improvements in previously unstable relationships a staggering 24 months after the marriage counseling had concluded, while research published in 2015 suggested the EFT was particularly effective in marriages that had experienced infertility issues.
Which Couples Benefit The Most From Couples Counseling?
While most couples can reap at least some of the benefits of EFT if they’re committed to the process, research suggests that specific demographics are more responsive to the treatment than others.
The following groups are likely to find traditional or online marriage counseling more beneficial than other people.
- Couples Committed to EFT
- People Open to Reflection and Soul-Searching
- Couples Who Are Still In Love
- Partners Who Believe in Equal Rights
- Younger Couples
Which Couples Benefit the Least from Couples Counseling?
Even if you find yourself on the list of people who’ll get the least out of EFT, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth a try, though you may have to temper your expectations somewhat.
You may find the counseling less beneficial if you belong to any of the following groups.
- One or Both Partners Aren’t Invested in the Treatment
- A Spouse is Addicted to Drugs, Alcohol, or Pornography
- Couples Who Waited Before Seeking Help
- Marriages With No Real Desire to Save The Relationship
- One or Both Partners Intent on Divorce
Lessons Learned From Happy Marriages
In research conducted by John Gottman, he found that apparent “happy couples” also experienced conflict within their relationships; however, they had the skills to resolve their arguments through empathy and mutual respect. Frequently, these qualities are absent in unhappy marriages.
Successful couples therapy in San Diego is built on these foundations. A good marriage therapist San Diego will help partners form a stronger emotional connection and give them the tools for better communication.
Final Thoughts
It’s critical to get the ball rolling and seek help as soon as you feel your marriage is in trouble. The longer it takes to seek help, the less likely it will be that your sessions are successful.
EFT can be expensive, so plan a budget with your spouse and commit to the counseling as fully as possible. Using online marriage counseling that we recommend can be significantly more cost-effective. Specialized marriage counselors will be able to give you more help if you contact them at the first sign of trouble.
If you live in the greater San Diego area, including Carlsbad, Encinitas, & Chula Vista, we want to help. Get matched with a therapist today. Simply click the button below to be matched with one of the best couples therapists on, which is the largest and best network of couples and marriage therapists.
Get Further Help & Support With Your Concerns
If you or your spouse has anger issues, find out more about anger management counseling in San Diego.